Faith, Focus, Finish, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams, Coins To Pay, Tricks, Trades, Treats.

Lin-Manuel Miranda - Where You Are. It's time TO RISE UP TODAY ..The DOME WILL be CRAZY. 

I'm going to give hours and I'M OUT..... — feeling excited at ATL.

I believe in Peter Pan, not Paul Jewish White Super-star-dead now, as an example of a real man, with the child within and childlike, and a man that stands for something besides the money he burns in drugs looking for more prey to control by those means. Just working on moving on, forgiveness for the pain and hurt, when my bf stole my car, he took it for a way back, he did not call it stolen at all, legal matters to address later, perhaps.Faith, Focus, Finish, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams, Coins To Pay, Tricks, Trades, Treats. 

Lin-Manuel Miranda - Where You Are.My beautiful WCW , MY Rider My Baby And only Girl Will be 

24 This Month .... love you Stank.We have our seats in the NEW DOME locked in....OFFICIAL FANS😉LET'S RISE UP... — at The Georgia Dome.

I have 99 things to do today and being unthankful, stressed is not one...Family, what's up we need to plan Reunion, inbox me ideas and dates for2017....Roderick Maxwell Ozell Maxwell Zelcha Maxwell @ Vera Hunt-Parrott Jonathan Maxwell Jonathan Vickers. @Erica Jefferies Donnie Garner Shaquanta Maxwell-Scott Michelle Barnes Hardaway Martina Knox Marvin Busby Connie Johnson @ Melvin Busby @ Douglas Maxwell Venita Maxwell @ Felicia Maxwell @ Karon Maxwell Jamara Davis Marsha Busby IF I DIDN'T TAG YOU I STILL LOVE U..
SO each person reach out to two people... Let's try to allow the older ones to enjoy and we take this overFaith, Focus, Finish, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams, Coins To Pay, Tricks, Trades, Treats. 

Lin-Manuel Miranda - Where You Are.We have our seats in the NEW DOME locked in....OFFICIAL FANS😉LET'S RISE UP... — at The Georgia Dome.

🐶 🐾 Dicks, dawgs, dates, faces of 🐶, knights to some, tricks to trade 🐾 🐶American Birds, 🐧🐧Talks To Hands,🐶 🐾 🐶 Lions In A Pack, Dances in the dark, walks of life, live and learn. Singing Birds In The Woods.🐾 🐶Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks. Happy for a new day, will have to give thanks for family and friends that are always there in the background, the people that you can not out grow, happy for the connections. Stories to tell, stories to remember and the lessons that we learned, things to laugh about now.Nuts To Fall, Nuts And Beans, Birds To Sing, Dimes To Drop, Pages To Books. Housing Project for Homeless Veterans:12 Houses of May: Marching Rites. MOM Date.Faith, Focus, Finish, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams, Coins To Pay, Tricks, Trades, Treats. 

Lin-Manuel Miranda - Where You Are.We have our seats in the NEW DOME locked in....OFFICIAL FANS😉LET'S RISE UP... — at The Georgia Dome.

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