Riding Raves, Waves On The Water, Beaches, Houses, Dreams In Actions.

Thanks to god for the little miracles, thanks to god for the answers to the questions on truth and honesty, thanks and praises to the gods of war, March for sure, for the birds and bees I give thanks. Happy for the strangers to friends, happy and gay for a new day, happy and delighted with the gifts of chance today.Riding Raves, Waves On The Water, Beaches, Houses, Dreams In Actions.

Butches, Bitches, Battles, Bailey Bugs, Bailey Battles songs to sing, glory days to come, joys and pains, bumps in the roads, sunny and happy for the dazes here on earth, help for the weak. Hands out for the homes for the veterans, more and more needed, on the beaches, on the shores, in the hills, and in the valleys. Donkeys in the hills, donkeys in the family, donkeys to run the shows, happy to share.

Butch Out: Jumps for joy, out of the closet, fag hag notes, butch on polo team, dates with chicks, factors know since age six. Lovers on down low, cum suckers to holler. Blue birds, black crows, monkeys to swing, cum lords and ladies. Dream life in movies, porn stars, daddy a pimp, mother a fag hag, jokes online.Good times, dances in the dark, party and pay, free wills to stay. Hell hounds, clowns to the right, sum of fears. Into the woods, into the dark, snakes in dens, jackasses in the hills, American  Toads alive under the skins.

 Angels Horns, Blue Stars, five cents in hand, five ways to go. Cents to change, more to come later, fights of reasons, seasons in the sun, Cali cows, bitter notes, songs to sing. Happy not to be dead, happy to get stronger, happy to stand alone. Starting over with new people, moving on, coming back swinging, standing taller. Stronger for the bumps in the road, more than 2 cents worth, more delights, more lessons to share. Not broken, not over with the fight, stronger, waiting for the best yet to come. Fighting for more, fighting for better, fighter for the little mothers, the Rachel Walker, the pictures of the life to come, the little mothers that matter. Moms, and roles that they play, for the kids lost, the kids displaced, the kids in the dark. 

Red Hairs, Red Hoods, Girls Flipped, Tricks 2 TradersNotes to play, fish and frogs to follow, the piper with the the songs to sing, games to play good times. Tips to dodge the fish that have feet, frogs and snakes in the water, fairy tales for the kids. Goats and sheep, rats to races, happy days again, to laugh and play, horns to blue, dances with rats. Glory dazes done, back in the date, dates with snakes and frogs, dances in the dark, dances in shame, tales to spin.

Oasis of the Mind: Monkeys In Packs, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars.Donkey Dates, Dawgs, Dicks, Veterans Taken. SEEKING FRIEND, COMPANION: Frogs To Date. Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before, Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. I need to invest in some more friends...that was a fun joke while it lasted 😂 😴 The best love💘 is the one that makes you a better Person, without Changing you into Someone other than yourself.

Riding Raves, Waves On The Water, Beaches, Houses, Dreams In Actions.
Searching for fish in the sea, here is Randy-Green frog-Blue Ranger, my favorite Jewish Blue boy, in a mental state of songs and dances around the work, enjoy and let him know, how he turned on your lights, with the doors and windows open for the sun to shine in. Happy and gay, songs to sing, and the moves in the middle of the of the roads.



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